
February 2016

Podcast Favorites

A few worthy earworms.

99 Percent Invisible99% Invisible
“A tiny radio show about design, architecture & the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world.  Each episode is a sound-rich deep dive into a single topic.”  This show explores objects and interactions that would otherwise go unnoticed. So very pleasant to listen to.


“Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.”  Soundscape and storytelling by two comfortably opposite show hosts. Accessible and entertaining.


Welcome To Night ValeWelcome to Nightvale
The Twilight Zone via Lake Woebegone. A sleepy local broadcast of strange happenings in the pleasant town of Nightvale… Easy to overdo, but good for the occasional dose of weirdness.


ClarkesworldClarkesworld Magazine
Award-winning monthly sci-fi and fantasy magazine that podcasts their original fiction for free. Fantastically, you can sort their audio by awards– so your odds are really good here.


1/3: Horror. Jen’s favorite of the three.  Horror and suspense are difficult to do, and come tucked in stories that would otherwise just be fiction. A little Lovecraft goes a long way.


2/3: Fantasy. The lightest of fantasy fiction. You may have to hunt for a story that grabs your attention, but there is magic to be had.  Their usual format is 20-30 minutes. Giant Episodes can run hours.


Escape PodEscapePod
3/3: Science Fiction. These next three are sister podcasts that do weekly short stories in the respective genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.  Mostly contemporary, with the occasional classic short by a famous author.


One ShotOne Shot
A revolving group of improv comics doing roleplaying games. They take on a variety of different game systems, with training that helps it flow. Massively entertaining to listen to.


Improvised Star TrekImprovised Star Trek
Improv comedy on the hallowed decks of the USS Sisyphus, “a less famous Starfleet vessel”. Every episode is based off an audience suggestion collected day-of recording, with music and sound effects added later.


Order 66Order 66
Kevin’s favorite Star Wars: Edge of the Empire GMing resource. If you’re not into space cowboys and sky wizards, you’re probably in the wrong feed.


Game CasualGame Casual
RPGS and gaming of various flavors. A group of fresh-faced new gamers make fools of themselves on an eternally cached internet, as god intended.


The BugleThe Bugle
“They’ve left no political hot potato unbuttered, and have presided over, and/or caused, and/or commented on (delete according to preference) the downfall of several of the world’s least desirable despots & dinner companions.”


The Allusionist PodcastThe Allusionist
A language and etymology podcast, apparently by the sister of Bugle cohost Andy Zaltzman. Talented family! This podcast is a little new to us, but great fun.


WTF with Marc MaronWTF with Marc Maron
Comedy, storytelling, and celebrity interviews by a powerful off-the-cuff comedian.  Also, anger and pain: The classic method by which people become funny.


NPR MusicNPR Music
Hit and miss, but always a well produced show. An excellent way to find music you wouldn’t otherwise run into.




February 2016